Love and money: achieving financial harmony

Love and money: achieving financial harmony The past 12 months have been a challenging time for many of us on a personal level, with the pandemic having a far-reaching impact on so many aspects of our lives. While the Australian economy is proving remarkably resilient, personal finances have been affected in different ways by lockdowns […]

Give your finances a shake out

Give your finances a shake out Like trees losing their leaves in autumn, why not take a leaf out of their book and choose this time of year to shed some of your own financial baggage. In the style of Marie Kondo, the Japanese organising whizz who has inspired millions to clean out their cupboards, […]

There’s more than one way to boost your retirement income

There’s more than one way to boost your retirement income After spending their working life building retirement savings, many retirees are often reluctant to eat into their “nest egg” too quickly. This is understandable, given that we are living longer than previous generations and may need to pay for aged care and health costs later […]

2020 Year in Review

Just as we were recovering from the long drought and the worst bushfires on record, the global coronavirus pandemic took hold and changed everything. Suddenly, simple things we took for granted, like going to the office or celebrating special occasions, were put on hold. While life is still not back to normal, Australia is in […]

Stolen super returned to workers

More than half a billion dollars will be repaid to almost 400,000 Australian workers after 24,000 business admitted to underpaying staff. More than half a billion dollars in unpaid superannuation will be repaid to almost 400,000 Australian workers. Under the Federal Government’s superannuation guarantee amnesty, 24,000 businesses confessed to failing to pay employees their entitlements […]