Federal Budget Summary 2021

Investing in recovery In his third and possibly last Budget before the next federal election, Treasurer Josh Frydenberg is counting on a new wave of spending to ensure Australia’s economic recovery maintains its momentum. As expected, the focus is on jobs and major new spending on support for aged care, women and first-home buyers with […]

Total & Permanent Disablement (TPD) tax in Super

How to minimise or allow for tax if your Total & Permanent Disablement (TPD) insurance policy is owned by your superannuation fund/account?   Taxation of TPD policies owned by Superannuation Many people hold their TPD insurance covers in their superannuation account and don’t realise that a claim payment may be taxed if it is paid […]

Love and money: achieving financial harmony

Love and money: achieving financial harmony The past 12 months have been a challenging time for many of us on a personal level, with the pandemic having a far-reaching impact on so many aspects of our lives. While the Australian economy is proving remarkably resilient, personal finances have been affected in different ways by lockdowns […]

Give your finances a shake out

Give your finances a shake out Like trees losing their leaves in autumn, why not take a leaf out of their book and choose this time of year to shed some of your own financial baggage. In the style of Marie Kondo, the Japanese organising whizz who has inspired millions to clean out their cupboards, […]

There’s more than one way to boost your retirement income

There’s more than one way to boost your retirement income After spending their working life building retirement savings, many retirees are often reluctant to eat into their “nest egg” too quickly. This is understandable, given that we are living longer than previous generations and may need to pay for aged care and health costs later […]

Economic Update- February 2021

Stay up to date with what’s happened in Australian and global markets over the past month.  Our February update video also takes you through key economic indicators so you can understand how the Australian economy is faring as we recover from the COVID-19 induced recession of 2020. Please get in touch if you’d like assistance […]